Professor Nixdorff is co-founder and chief medical officer of Hanako, a healthcare provider.
Hanako offers medium-sized and large companies health checks for their employees. Hanako's health checks are based on EPC experience, fully digitized and modularized. They are thus carried out in a standardized yet personalized manner by medical teams with mobile devices anywhere in Germany, without travel and waiting times for the participants.
Prof. Nixdorff has set up the "Interdisciplinary Cardiac Imaging Center ((IC)²)" at the Medical Center Düsseldorf (GrandArc) together with the radiological and nuclear cardiological colleagues of MVZ radios GmbH ( An ultrafast SOMATOM Definition Edge CT (lowest radiation dose, shortest examination time, highest image quality), a 3T-MRI and a D-SPECT gamma camera are available for cardiac cross-sectional imaging.
For future development, the preventive medical experience of the EPC will be individually supplemented in cooperation with a renowned geneticist, Prof. K. Nayernia. An even earlier detection or the disposition of (malignant) processes succeeds with molecular and genetic methods (genotype). In the ECPM, genotype and phenotype are raised for personalized preventive medicine for mutual, synthetic information supplementation and thus preventive medicine is further professionalized.
European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC)
Prof. Nixdorff was a member of the Executive Board; spokesperson of the Communication Committee; and consultant to the Prevention, Epidemiology & Population Science (PEP) Section. Within the ESC, the concern for preventive cardiology is addressed, as underlined, among other things, by a currently projective accreditation for prevention centers from the EPC as a pilot center.
European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
Prof. Nixdorff had actively participated in various accreditations in the field of imaging; also in the curriculum of the "European Cardiologist"; currently member of the Deployment Endorsement Policy / Task Force Live Events. The Society represents the approximately 100,000 cardiologists in Europe; there is an extensive arsenal of scientific guidelines that make up the evidence base in EPC.
German Society for Cardiology - Cardiovascular Research (DGK)
Prof. Nixdorff was chairman of the working group for cardiovascular ultrasound as well as cluster speaker of the working groups for imaging techniques (echo, MRI, CT, nuclear); subsequently also chairman of the working group for preventive cardiology. Continuing education activity in the Academy of the DGK. The society represents about 10,000 cardiologists in Germany.
German Society for Prevention and Anti-Aging Medicine (GSAAM)
Prof. Nixdorff serves on the Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Board. The society addresses preventive and aging medicine; about 1,000 colleagues interested in preventive medicine are members. It addresses innovation in prevention in addition to evidence.
Assmann Foundation
Prof. Nixdorff was a Research Fellow at the Leibniz Institute for Arteriosclerosis Research at Münster University Hospital under the direction of Prof. Assmann. PROCAM research lives on under the foundation. Here, the PROCAM risk score (one's own risk of heart attack) underlying the EPC algorithm can be calculated with a calculator.
Cooper Institute
Prof. Nixdorff has been in scientific contact with Dr. Cooper and Dr. Blair since he received his "Physical Fitness Specialist" certification there. The Cooper Institute and Cooper Clinic under Dr. Cooper is the leading scientific fitness institute, from which > 700 peer reviewed articles have emerged to date and to which the EPC is significantly oriented.
Heinz Nixdorf Recall
Prof. Nixdorff worked for many years with Prof. Erbel at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Hospital Mainz, the inaugurator of the Nixdorf Recall Study; a fundamental prevention study. Nomograms of this study are established in the EPC, according to which age and sex referencing of many measured values is performed.
Check-Up Medicine (Thieme Verlag)
The ESC Textbook of Preventive Cardiology
In this textbook of the European Society of Cardiology, Prof. Nixdorff is responsible for the topic "Imaging in Cardiovascular Prevention" with co-authors Prof. Achenbach, Prof. Nagel, Prof. Zamorano and others. The book creates a complete overview of the evidence in preventive cardiology. The editors under colleague Prof. Gielen are currently planning a new edition.
"30 minutes future"
Future Thinkers Interview with Prof. Dr. Uwe Nixdorff
Demographic change, our attitude to staying healthy and, as a result, the provision of appropriate preventive healthcare will be one of the major societal challenges of the coming decades. Prof. Dr. Uwe Nixdorff, one of Europe's leading preventive physicians, shed light on the status and possible scenarios away from the current debates in the media in our Future Thinkers interview.
Dissertations at EPC
The check-up data of the EPC are scientifically evaluated (anonymized) in ongoing doctoral theses in collaboration with various university institutions, currently mostly in cross-sectional studies, but soon also in longitudinal studies, as there is still a considerable need for knowledge on check-up outcome research.
Finished work from series of the EPC:
- "Check-up medicine in secondary prevention: rationale for whole-body magnetic resonance imaging of the asymptomatic individual."
- "The omega-3 index as a cardiovascular risk marker. Are there correlations with traditional and newer cardiovascular risk markers?"
Ongoing work on series of the EPC:
- "Number Needed to Screen in the Early Detection of Atherosclerosis: Is Cardiovascular Check-Up Rational and Rational?"
- " Rationale of evidence-based check-up medicine: on the translation of screening into preventive medicine "
- "White matter hyperintensities as a preventive factor in relation to cardiovascular risk profile."
- "Clinical validation of a microdiagnostic measurement system for sleep apnea screening and with simultaneous plethysmographic pulse wave analysis for advanced cardiovascular risk stratification."
- "Sex- and age-derived normogram for tonometrically recorded pulse wave analysis from a cardiovascular risk-assessed normal population."
- "The ocular fundus arteriovenous quotient in cardiovascular risk stratification. Relationship to PROCAM score, pulse wave analysis, and carotid intima-media thickness."