1 day - With all additional services
2 days - In case of multiple examinations and bowel screening.
The number of additional benefits that can be booked depends on your employer's framework agreement according to a points system. If you have any questions, please contact your HR department or our key account manager
Examination by internal specialists in the EPC
Coronary calcium scoring (CACS): cardiac multislice computed tomography (MSCT) without contrast agent *)
Integration of these findings with those of the cardiac functional examination and resulting counseling.
Noninvasive coronary angiography (CCTA): multislice computed tomography (MSCT) of the heart with contrast medium *)
Integration of these findings with those of the cardiac functional examination and resulting counseling.
Stress echocardiography, cardiac adenosine magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) or SPECT myocardial scintigraphy as imaging ischemia diagnostics (question of circulatory disorders of the heart muscle) Integration of these findings into those of the cardiological functional examination and resulting consultation.
3-pillar concept:
- Biographical: Various validated questionnaires (e.g. Copenhagen Burnout Inventory)
- Biophysical: 72 hour heart rate variability (HRV) analysis including sleep architecture analysis.
- Biochemical: cortisol daily profile from saliva and urinalysis for neurotransmitters.
Personalized counseling and treatment based on results (so-called VARESE principle, intervention talk, supplementations up to resilience management with coaching mediation).
Internistic-pneumological anamnesis (incl. Fagerström test) and physical examination
Low-dose multislice computed tomography (MSCT) of the lung
Determination of the CO-HB value
Smoking history incl. Fagerström test to determine addiction potential (see standard check-up). Success-oriented, individual coaching/follow-up
Aftercare (also by telephone) including relapse prevention by reflecting on the critical situations and working out behavioral alternatives.
(exclusively individual program with one-to-one coaching)
Accompanying the behavioral approach, if necessary, also pharmacotherapy (preferably with varenicline, Champix®) [details of the program on request].
In case of malfunction or sensitivity
Clinical rheumatological history and physical examination
Recording of past infections, collagenosis-associated symptoms (complaints on the part of the connective tissue), soft tissue rheumatic concomitant symptoms, targeted survey of joint and spinal status.
Specific rheumatism laboratory:
- Citrulline-Ak
- Antinuclear antibodies if positive / from a titer of 1:160
- Profile of extractable antibodies / ENA plus determination of ds DNA-Ak
- Complement factors C3 C4
- HLA B27 typing
Advice arising from this
Examination by specialists in the Medical Center
Gynecological history and physical examination
Hormone status: FSH ECLIA, estradiol E2 (if medically reasonable) Ultrasound examination
- Intravaginal sonography
- 3D Mamma Sonography
Digital mammography (if medically advisable), if necessary, cervical smear, fungal culture, cytology
Advice arising from this
Urological history and physical examination
Hormone status: prolactin, LH, FSH ECLIA, (testosterone and SHBG are already recorded during the standard check-up).
Urological ultrasound examination
- Sonography of the kidneys and urinary bladder
- Transrectal sonography of the prostate and seminal vesicles
- Sonography of the external genitals
If necessary, clarification of erectile dysfunction (in consultation with cardiology) Resulting consultation
Clinical-orthopedic anamnesis and physical examination
Functional examination taking into account the MRI findings of the spine and joints in the course of the whole-body MRI and resulting consultation
Clinical-phlebological anamnesis and physical examination
Venous, parallel also arterial duplex examination (ultrasound)
Venous occlusion plethysmography, hyperemia stress light reflex rheography.
Advice arising from this
Examination by external specialists in the EPC
From 50 years of age or with existing symptoms, internal-gastroenterological anamnesis and physical examination.
Optical colonoscopy: conventional endoscopy for colorectal cancer screening incl. histology (if necessary)
Advice arising from this
In case of malabsorption or sensitivity, internal-gastroenterological history and physical examination.
Optical gastroscopy: conventional endoscopy incl. histology (if necessary)
Advice arising from this
ENT-specific history and physical examination Otoscopy
Measurement eardrum vibration
Sonography, if necessary endoscopy of the nose and paranasal sinuses
Examination larynx
Side-separated audiometry (hearing test) Resulting consultation
Allergy-specific anamnesis
Allergy testing (PRICK and RAST) of the most common inhaled allergens (pollen, dust mites, molds) and foods Resulting advice
Professional tooth cleaning to reliably distinguish harmless discolorations from caries Dental and caries diagnostics, vitality check, assessment of any existing restorations Mucosal examination
Periodontal diagnostics, PSI, MPP-8 testing (association with chronic coronary syndrome).
Function check, assessment of masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joint, pressing and grinding habits
Oral hygiene check
Advice arising from this
We will be happy to advise you in detail. Please contact us!